Cold water swimming, what’s all the fuss about?

Cold water swimming or cold water plunging has really stepped into the limelight after seemingly come from nowhere. An energetic chap called Wim Hof is leading the charge (and if you want to get a sense of how much energy cold water swimming can give you, head over to Mark Groves’ podcast that features him). He invited us to get ‘High on our own supply’ by using breath work and exposure to freezing cold water.

Not convinced? I don’t blame you… it makes me cold just thinking about it. Keep reading and find out what benefits cold water swimming has…

🌞 It boosts your immune system

Cold water helps to boost the white blood cell count because the body is forced to react to changing conditions.

🌞 It improves your circulation

Cold water swimming flushes your veins, arteries, and capillaries. It forces blood to the surface and helps to warm our extremities.

🌞It gives you a natural high

Cold water swimming activates endorphins. This chemical is what the brain produces to make us feel great during activities. Cold water swimming brings us close to the pain barrier and then endorphins are released to help us cope, thus giving a natural high! Woohoo! 

🌞 It increases your libido

A dip in some cold water boosts oestrogen and testosterone production, adding an edge to fertility and libido. The benefits of increased libido include more confidence, higher self-esteem, and enhanced mood.

🌞 It burns calories

Now this is the least important because we believe all bodies are beautiful just as they are, but if it’s what you are into then cold water swimming should be on your list of to do’s! 

All of these pointers have convinced us and after braving the Northern Irish, English, Wales and freezing cold Scottish shores we can safely say that all the fuss is absolutely warranted. Simply put, it makes you feel alive. 

So join us! Jump in, totally, fully and completely and let’s gain all of those benefits without using a single stimulant, pill or crazy diet.


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