What do I bring on a Yoga Retreat?

A very good question, one with lots of answers…

Depending on what retreat you have decided on, packing lists will vary. You need to take into consideration the activities the retreat has on offer, where it is located and most importantly, what time of year you are going. The list below is based on what the majority of the retreats include and what you are likely to need. 

Now we all know that the great British weather likes to hand us some pretty rainy and cold days, even in the peak of summer. So if you are going anywhere in the UK, the first thing on your list should be;

Warm clothes. I would recommend something like a cardi or shawl/scarf, as this is easy to pull over your shoulders at the end of your yoga practise, in savasana or whilst meditating, and crucially doesn’t involve you breaking the peaceful state you have created by wrestling with a tricky zip. 

Yoga mat. It’s an easy one to remember. If you are flying to your retreat, check they are classed as hand luggage so you don’t have to pay extra. In my experience they have been fine to take on to the plane as they easily squish into the overhead locker. 

Swimming costume. If there are lakes, rivers or oceans around your retreat and you fancied going for a dip, then swimwear is essential. If you forget, and you are open to a bit of skinny dipping, you won’t find us complaining… natural is beautiful!

Dry Robe or towel. Dry robes are great post swim (especially the cold water kind!) but they do take up a lot of space so maybe not ideal if you are flying, and probably not necessary to take if you are travelling to the warmer parts of the world. If you don’t have a dry robe, a big towel will suffice. True Nature Retreat guests get 15% off Zen Bear dry robes, so if you’d like to purchase one at the retreat, please let us know in advance.

Active wear. Ahhh active wear, stretchy, comfy, at times colourful and fun. We love active wear, and I would say if you are anything like me and sweat easily, take a few pairs of leggings and tops, to keep your body feeling as fresh as your mind. 

Casual Clothes. Loose fitting, comfy clothes to wear in your spare time. If you have booked in with one of our True Nature Retreat massages for example, these kind of clothes are perfect. 

Footwear. Check on the retreat website if you are going on any long walks and what the terrain would be like. Trainers are great, but if the walk is long, maybe muddy, with tricky terrain you are going to want more support for those lovely ankles of yours. 

A Book. You might find that your free time is spent chatting to other yogis, going for a walk or even catching up on some much needed sleep. And what most retreats will encourage is time away from technology, in that case, the time you spend before bed scrolling through insta will no longer be an option, bringing a good book to get stuck into is the perfect aid to send you off to a peaceful nights sleep. 

Journal. Not everyone has one sitting by their bed, but certainly on a retreat with such powerful wellness activities I would really recommend bringing a book or notepad to write in. There is something so simple and therapeutic about jotting down your thoughts and feelings. I often take a journal with me on retreats and actually, any trips I take. Not because I think I will have incredibly profound things to write, but it’s lovely to be able to capture and remember each special moment, and be able to open the book in the future and relive the adventures you had. 

Finally and most importantly, yourself and the promise that you will arrive at the retreat with an open mind, ready to journey back to your True Nature… joy. 


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